So we've almost survived our first week! Thought you guys might be interested in what a standard day for us is like...
- 7.00am - out of bed & Dick Smith Bush Foods (muesli) for breakfast
- 7.30am - open reception, turn on aircon, do the accounts for the day before, prepare registration forms for the guests arriving that day.
- 8.30am - walk around/inspect park (check only paid guests are staying, nothing broken overnight, no messes or rubbish lying around).Stop by local tourist info office to introduce self, stop by local tiler (Gerry & The Tile Makers) to enquire after non-slip coating for slippery laundry tiles.
- Call washing machine man about washing machine #3 swallowing guests money.
- Let Michelle the cleaner know which cabins to clean that day.
- Bruce spends an hour trying to work out how to use the new steam cleaner (still can't work it out even after finding the instructions).
- Ice cream man drops by to check if fridge needs restocking.
- Go to Innisfail (town one hour away) to pick up new saucepan sets x8 for the cabins (from Kmart) and doggy welcome treats for guest's pooches (from Sam's Warehouse... which should really be renamed Sam's Small And Poorly Stocked Cottage).
- Greet guests as they arrive. We've had some interesting guests so far, including one old bloke who tried to get a pensioner discount (despite him still earning $120k in the mines). He bought some bait and is heading off fishing at high tide tonight (11pm). Said he missed the ocean as he lives 800km inland.
- Lunch - ham and coleslaw sandwich, red paw paw with lime juice.
After lunch...
- Design publicity fliers, create safety exit signs for the communal areas.
- Design customer feedback form.
- Review new off-the-shelf online booking systems, then design one ourself and get it up online.
- Get the cover of the ute fixed.
- Order clean laundry for the cabins.
- Stove enamel spray to touch up the cabin stoves.
- Interview potential restaurant operator.
- Call the council about food licences.
- Bruce removes dead rat from pool shed before it starts to smell in the heat.
- 6.00pm - head to local Woolworths to pick up dinner groceries (avoid hitting wallabies in ute on the way, they're most active at dusk).
- 7.30pm - close reception area.
Hi Megan / Bruce - I've been away so had plenty of blog to catch up on! Looks just like working at Natixis, although the rat here is alive and not dead! Glad you're settling in and I loved Bruce's video tour. Take care, Cogsi